BOSCALID 500 WG® belongs to the highly effective group of SDHI. The active ingredient is absorbed through the plant surface of the oilseed rape and distributed systemically.

BOSCALID 500 WG® is used for rapeseed flowering. The focus is on securing the yield and combating the most important flower disease – Sclerotina sclerotiorum.

All relevant ripening diseases are recorded and the plant is also protected from stress factors such as drought and heat. By supplementing e.g. with LS AZOXY®, further fungicidal mechanisms of action are used to ensure the yield. In mixtures with TARAK®, BOSCALID 500 WG® remains classified as B4 harmless to bees.

Product information

Approval Number


Approved Crops

Winter rapeseed


Water-dispersible granules (WG)

Mechanism of Action


Active Ingredients

Boscalid 500g/kg

Packaging Instructions

Item number: 130483005801
Container: 2 x ( 2.5 kg BOSCALID 500 WG and 5 L LS Azoxy®)

Key Uses

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Root collar and stem rot

Alternaria brassicae

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.