FLEXURE® is an excellent, protective and curative fungicide, with applications in all cereals. Protection in the stalk area – against all leaf-relevant diseases – up to the ear, with the important application against Fusarium species.

FLEXURE® is an all-rounder in cereals and contains, among other things, the currently strongest azole – prothioconazole. The well-known active ingredient spiroxamine, ensures a very good, curative effect against powdery mildew. The well-known “sled effect” of spiroxemia also accelerates the absorption of FLEXURE® into the plant.

Product information

Approval Number


Approved Crops

Wheat (including spelt and durum wheat)


Emulsion Concentrate (EC)

Mechanism of Action

(FRAC group) G1 and G2

Active Ingredients

Prothioconazole 160 g/l, Spiroxamine 300 g/l

Packaging Instructions

Item number: 130390608501
Container: 4 x 5 L

Key Uses

DTR leaf drought
Yellow, brown, dwarf and oat crown Rusts
Alternaria and Cladosporium species Rhynchosporium leaf spot Reticulated spot
nonparasitic leaf spot

Septoria nodorum and tritici
Fusarium species

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.