KINGSTON® is a broad-potening, growth-free post-emergence herbicide for spring application that is quickly absorbed through the leaves and transported systemically throughout the plant.

KINGSTON® is excellent against annual weeds and problem weeds such as cornflower, knotweed, burdock bedstraw and chamomile, can be used over a long period of time and is well tolerated in cereals.

Approval Number


Approved Crops

Winter and summer cereals (spring)


Emulsion Concentrate (EC)

Mechanism of Action

(HRAC group) Fluroxypyr: O, Clopyralid: O, Florasulam: B and (WSSA) Fluroxypyr: 4, Clopyralide: 4, Florasulam: 2

Active Ingredients

Florasulam 2.5 g/l, Fluroxypyr 100 g/l, Clopyralide 80 g/l

Packaging Instructions

Item number: 130340608501
Container: 4 x 5 L

Key Uses

Burdock Bedstraw (Also Resistant),Field Hellerwort, Field Mustard, Forget-me-not, Rapeseed, Hollow Tooth, Chamomile Species, Poppy, Cornflower, Chickweed, Knotweed, Vetch

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.