TARAK® with 100g /ltr lambda-cyhalothrin, the well-known active ingredient as a highly effective insecticide in liquid form, for the control of sucking and biting insects such as aphids, earth fleas, earth caterpillars, moths and beetles. With its “knock-down effect”, TARAK® is a modern pyrethroid that works particularly quickly and has also proven itself in the event of temperature fluctuations due to its long-lasting long-lasting effect. The active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin is protected by an innovative capsule formulation (CS) and is only released when it hits the plant.

TARAK® is particularly compatible with cultivation and is approved in many cereals and leafy crops, including cereals, rapeseed, sugar beet, potatoes, beans and peas.

The classification is as harmless to bees (B4).

Approval Number


Approved Crops

Winter soft wheat
Summer soft wheat
Winter barley
Sugar beet
Fodder beet
Field beans
Head charcoal


Capsule suspension (CS)

Mechanism of Action

(IRAC group) 3A

Active Ingredients

Lambda-Cyhalothrin 100 g/l

Packaging Instructions

Item number: 130140508504
Container: 4 x 3 L

Item number: 130140408503
Container: 12 x 1 L

Key Uses

Earth Fleas, Cabbage Pod Mosquito, Cabbage Pod Weevil, Aphids (Also As Virus Vectors), Large Cereal Aphid, Pale Cereal Aphid, Beet Fly, Leaf Edge Beetle, Earthworms

Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.